(Protective Behavior)
Self Defense - Physical
Below is the Physical component of the Self defense program as taught by our Judo teacher. There is no attempt to explain the moves in detail however you can download the full program here

Stand Tall: Respect and Affect
Thursdays During School Term
6:00PM - 7:00PM Juniors
7:00PM - 7:30PM Junior Advanced
7:30PM - 9:00PM U/16's, Seniors
Newport Baptist Church Hall
26 Mason Street Newport
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For Fees and Other Valuable Info
Postal Address
17 Fifth Avenue
Altona North, 3025
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Trusted Adults, ParentsWelcome To All Sessions
Most of all it needs to be noted that the bulk of the moves outlined below are defensive rather than overtly aggressive. This is because Judo itself is not overtly aggressive, yet can still provide enough aggression to be more than just effective.
The Syllabus
Escape from Grips: One arm, Both arms & Sleeve grips
Escape from clothing (collars, sleeves etc.)
Escape from bear hugs
Escape from pulling hair
Escape from pins:- arms, body, ground & standing.
Points To Attack on the Body
as well as the Pros and Cons of doing so
(including discussion on Weapons, illegal and legal).
Avoiding Straight Punches
Avoiding Downward strike
Avoiding Full Powered strike
Avoiding Straight Kicks
Avoiding Side Kicks
Avoiding Rounding type Kicks
A Critical part of any good Self defence