About Newport Judo - Page List
The following is a list of pages that are about the Newport Judo School (Club). I write a lot more about Judo on my blog (the last link) but almost all of the other links are to article that are on this site.

Stand Tall: Respect and Affect
Thursdays During School Term
6:00PM - 7:00PM Juniors
7:00PM - 7:30PM Junior Advanced
7:30PM - 9:00PM U/16's, Seniors
Newport Baptist Church Hall
26 Mason Street Newport
Click Here For A Map of Where We Are
Download Handbook Here!
For Fees and Other Valuable Info
Postal Address
17 Fifth Avenue
Altona North, 3025
Leave message if unanswered: I do not return calls unless a message is left
Trusted Adults, ParentsWelcome To All Sessions
About Newport Judo club
(The School, The Art and The Classes)
Handbook Of Newport Judo
What Do You Get In Your First Free Judo Lesson?
What is Discipline in Martial Arts Training?
(Or "The value of Kata in my Judo Schools and Managing Chaos")
How I am Managing Student Behavior In Class
Judo Grading System - Australia
Newport Judo Photo Gallery
Judo & Self Defense
Judo Games & Drills
Protective Behavior Podcasts
Self Defense, Judo, Weapons and Potent Points
My Blog "Judo And Life" (www.martialartsjudo.info)
(See what our Judo instructor has to say about Judo, life and living)
(The School, The Art and The Classes)
Handbook Of Newport Judo
What Do You Get In Your First Free Judo Lesson?
What is Discipline in Martial Arts Training?
(Or "The value of Kata in my Judo Schools and Managing Chaos")
How I am Managing Student Behavior In Class
Judo Grading System - Australia
Newport Judo Photo Gallery
Judo & Self Defense
Judo Games & Drills
Protective Behavior Podcasts
Self Defense, Judo, Weapons and Potent Points
My Blog "Judo And Life" (www.martialartsjudo.info)
(See what our Judo instructor has to say about Judo, life and living)