More Basic Japanese Phrases for Judo
See Also Basic Japanese For Judoist
I've created this page of More Basic Japanese Phrases for Judo because it was just too much information for the Basic Japanese Phrases page.
Japanese is a wonderful language and it is hard to believe, since we use so much english in our club that there is still so much Japanese used.

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I will admit that not all of it is used frequently but it is used and as can be seen here there is a lot to write down.
a = as in father, America
e = as in education, edge
i = as in easiest
o = as in old, oath
u = as in pull,full
(pronounce as oo in soon)

Striking | Atemi |
shoulder grab | kata dori |
wrist grab | katate dori |
straight strike | shomen uchi |
punch | tsuki |
side strike | yokomen uchi |

forward break fall | mae ukemi |
forward rolling break fall | mae-mawari ukemi (zenpo kaiten ukemi) |
break fall | ukemi |
back break fall | ushiro ukemi |
side break fall | yoko ukemi |
Sideways rolling break fall | Yoko-Kaiten-Ukemi |
Other Words

chin | Ago |
opponent | aite |
to coil your leg around opponent's Ieg | Ashigarami |
ankle | ashikubi |
toe | ashiyubi |
games | asobi |
head | atama |
Ordinary patten of walking | Ayumi Ashi |
small | Chiisai |
power; using one's strength small | Chikara |
waist or trunk | Do |
squeezing opponent's abdomen with legs | Dojime |
thank you | doomo arigatoo gozaimashita |
collar, lapel | eri |
win by default | Fusensho |
self defence technique | go-shin-jutsu |
naked: bare | Hadaka |
feet position | hanmi |
loss by violation of rules | Hansoku-make |
opposite; reverse | Hantai |
Kuzushi in 8 directions | Happo no Kuzushi |
stomach | hara |
fast | Hayai |
left | hidari |
elbow | hiji |
pull | Hiki |
pulling hand | hikite |
draw: tie; even | Hikiwake |
basic | Hon |
time | Jikan |
strangle; choke | Jime |
outside area | Jogai |
elevated section in dojo for high grade judoka | Kamiza |
knuckle; joint | kansetsu |
technique of armloeks | Kansetsu waza |
face | Kao |
light | Karui |
one-half | Kataha |
hard; stiff | Katai |
grappling / holding technique | katame waza |
hold, immobilize | katameru |
win | Kate (Kachi) |
method of artificial respiration for strangled person | Katsu |
praetice | Keiko |
Fighting Grip | Kenka Yotsu |
show of spirit by yelling | Kiai |
red | Ko |
neck | kubi |
holding/griping method | kumi-kata |
win because Opponent is accidentally injured | ltami-wake |
front, forward | mae |
Front movement control | Mae Sabaki |
Front-turn movement Control | Mae-Mawari Sabaki |
winding throw; to throw by rolling ; your body to the ground with opponent | Makikomi |
center | Mannaka |
Keiko Onegaishimasu means, " please praetice with me" | masu |
Rear sacrifice throws | Masutemi Waza |
thigh | momo |
both arms | Morote |
non-black belt holder | mudansha |
chest | mune |
throw | nageru |
escape practise | ninji renshu |
to make a very big motion | Ohkiku |
big; large | Okii |
salutation before practice or randori | onegai shimasu |
request | onegai shimasu |
request example | Onegaishi |
slow | Osoi |
push | Osu |
finish | owari |
bow | Rei |
bowing from standing position | Ritsu rei |
prop; support | Sasae |
formal kneeling posture | seiza |
samurai sitting | seiza |
back of body | Senaka |
contest area | Shiaijo |
knee walking | shikko |
strangle; choke | Shime |
choke, strangle | shimeru |
referee; umpire | Shinpan |
Moving forwards, sideways & backwards | Shintai |
posture | shisei |
down | Shita |
excuse | shitsuree shimasu |
natural standing posture | Shizentai |
front | shomen |
bow to the front | shomen ni rei |
sleeve | sode |
freeze, do not move | sono mama |
time has expired | Sore-made |
outer | Soto |
a little | Sukoshi |
scoop up | Sukui |
corner | Sumi |
self sacrifice: to throw opponent by throwing yourself | Sutemi |
sitting | suwari |
standing | tachi |
vertical | Tate |
hand | te |
wrist | tekubi |
move along side partner | tenken |
One's favorite/best technique | Tokaiwaza |
command of referee when form is broken | Toketa |
circular | Tomce |
Walking by bringing one foot up to another | Tsugi Ashi |
preparation; placing yourself in proper position at correct time before throwing opponent | Tsukuri |
toes and ball of foot | Tsumasaki |
pull and lift in circular motion similar to a hook | Tsuri |
lifting hand | tsurite |
strong | Tsuyoi |
practieing form by repeating technique many times with a partner | Uchikomi |
arm | Ude |
inner | Uehi |
backward, rear | ushiro |
Back movement control | Ushiro Sabaki |
changing | Utsuri |
up | Uye |
arm pit | waki |
Mr | San |
soft | Yawarakai |
Side sacrifice throws | Yokosutemi Wasa |
go: all right | Yoshi |
finger | yubi |
black belt holder | yudansha |
Black belt association | Yudanshakai |
less than a waza-ari (in competition) | yuko |
seated/kneeling bow | zarei |