(Protective Behavior)
"Newport Judo Mission Statement"
The Mission Statement of Newport Judo
The purpose by which our goals and objectives are measured.

Stand Tall: Respect and Affect
Thursdays During School Term
6:00PM - 7:00PM Juniors
7:00PM - 7:30PM Junior Advanced
7:30PM - 9:00PM U/16's, Seniors
Newport Baptist Church Hall
26 Mason Street Newport
Click Here For A Map of Where We Are
Download Handbook Here!
For Fees and Other Valuable Info
Postal Address
17 Fifth Avenue
Altona North, 3025
Leave message if unanswered: I do not return calls unless a message is left
Trusted Adults, ParentsWelcome To All Sessions
- To Build Confidence, Not Timidity
- To Build Character, Not Aggression
- To Build Life Skills and Discipline in Unbroken Spirits
Confidence, Not Timidity
Confidence will carry you through many a difficult situation and support you in any challenge where you have it. But it should not be confused with arrogance not should it be misplace in thing that are false of dishonest. Timidity is only good when you need to hide.
Character, Not Aggression
We strive to improve certain good or useful traits such as self-reliance, endurance, and courage. It is in the nature of Judo to do this as expressed in the the principal of Seiryoku Saizen Katsuyo Jita Kyoei (Maximum Efficiency For Minimum Effort And Mutual Welfare And Benefit).
Life Skills and Discipline in Unbroken Spirits
Discipline should be responsive to build a person up. It should lead one away from bad choices. It can be internal (self-discipline) or external (an instruction from a leader). Learning self-discipline should always be the goal of all discipline. Someone who has good self-discipline can expect their spirit to be whole. Life Skills are those skill that assist in someone gaining self-discipline.
* The Best Guide to Eastern Philosophy and Religion by Diane Morgan, Renaissance Books, New York, 2001, p.38