Judo Games - Drills
Some of these games have been inspired by other Judoka. At this point in time I have no idea where I would have obtained the original concept from. If you believe that you are the originator of the concept of any of the games on this site or even if you have one similar please let me know and I will happily give you a link as long as it is reciprocal.

Stand Tall: Respect and Affect
Thursdays During School Term
6:00PM - 7:00PM Juniors
7:00PM - 7:30PM Junior Advanced
7:30PM - 9:00PM U/16's, Seniors
Newport Baptist Church Hall
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This Judo game is great for improving balance, space awareness and learning how not to use brute force instead of skill.
Tie 4 obi (belts) together and lay them on the mat in a square. I used to use 3 belts and try to keep them in a circle but a circle is too had to maintain. A square with 4 belts is practically the same size as a circle.
Two contestant start facing each other. They must not touch until the start is called. First one to the ground or out of the belted area is out and the next judoka is up against the winner.
Now for the different part:
Make sure you have students of different skill levels, strength, height, build etc. Even things up with a handicap, by making the superior judoka put one or two hands behind their back. They may even have to stand on one foot too. You can mix and match the handicaps as is needed. Let the disadvantaged Judoka choose which handicap is used.
Not only is this sort of sumo riotously funny, but you watch the skill of both the handicapped and the non handicapped players improve.
Loosen Up Randori:
Teach folks to loosen up.
Modified kind of randori.
One person tries to throw and the other just steps away. No resistance,
no counters, no blocks, no stiff-arming. Just step away.
Tori pushes, step back and keep your balance.
Tori pulls, step forward and keep your balance.
Tori rotates, step around and keep your balance.
Uke should try to keep his grip very soft, or perhaps not hold
on at all, though then it's hard to figure out where to store
your arms while you're not using them.
Do this for a minute or so, then switch Uke and Tori. If attacker
gets in for a throw, he should throw, and uke should go with the
flow and take the fall. It'll be an easy fall.
Tachiwasa (games relevant to)
Judo Scare Crow:
This is a version of Scare Crow Tiggy (Tag).
One person is "IT".
The goal of "IT" is to Tag as many people as possible.
Once you are tagged you need to stand still with your arms out
like a Scare Crow and you legs apart.
A Scare Crow can only be released by another player who must throw
the Scare Crow to release them.
Throws must be recognizable (no walking up to someone and pushing
them and saying "you've been thrown".
You cannot be tagged if you are setting up for a throw.
The instructor must insist that you therefore have plenty of time
to do a throw, well and safely (check the area is clear before
you throw)
This is a timed game.
Shake the Tree (keep the big guy moving):
This is a game to help the shorter player understand how to manage
taller players.
Players in pairs. One shorter than the other. The shorter play must keep the taller player moving by pushing and pulling. The taller player tries to stay unmoved.
Total Commitment Rolls
Total Commitment in Throwing Using Judo Rolls to Build total Commitment
in Throwing. Seoi-nage works best
Have the students run up and do a 180 degree jump into position for a low seoi, then have them spring frog-like out of the low position back in the direction they started from ending in a judo roll.
Newasa (games relevant to)
Bull Rush
All the players kneel at one end of the mat, one player is "In
the Middle" this player chooses a player from the end. The
chosen player then has to crawl to the other end of the mats without
being turned onto their back! The person in the middle has to
catch, then turn the player over, without getting off their hands
and knees. I.e. Crawling! If the person gets caught, they are
"In the middle" also, if they make it to the other end
"Bull Rush" is called by the sensei and all the other
players crawl to the other end of the Dojo.
Skills: Teaches players how to turn opponents over and
how to avoid being turned over!
In hold down Uke Rocks backward and forward till they can sit
up or till they can't anymore
Ne-waza Randori (i.e. no standing work): -
Moving past the legs
In lines (5 sec hold down)
Blind(Uke starts in a turtle position)
Getting the leg over your attackers leg to break hold.
Turtling (Turnovers) only
Ne-wasa from a failed throw (Tai-Otoshi)
Seniors only:
Kansetsu wasa (arm locks) Escapes only
Kansetsu wasa (arm locks) only
Shime wasa (strangles) Escapes only
Shime wasa (strangles) only
Turtling only (Uke starts in a turtle position)
Standard (5 sec hold down), in lines
Resistance only Randori:
One party only is allowed to attack. The other must avoid being
thrown (you are not allowed to avoid contact)-(unequal players
Push or Pull on Command.
Students pair off on center line of mat. They both get a grip
and then push or pull on the command of the coach.
Grappling Irons: 2 Teams. Team leaders face each other. Other team members line up behind the team leader each with hands on the hips of the person in front. Team leaders hold belts and the teams ties to pull the other team over the line.
Variation: No teams individuals try to pull other individuals
over the line.
Tachi-Waza Randori (i.e. no Ne wasa) : -
Start from the little guys first and let them pick who they
Or Fight:-
Against each other
Against senior player (with instructions to let themselves be
Thrown if the throw is on properly)
Against each other without falling on back or Against senior player
(i.e. avoid Ippon)
Blind Fold
Selected throws only
Line up:- time limit
Line up:- Several Player
Experienced players against inexperienced
In a circle
Using zones Agility
(Choose one throw or Demo throw and stick with it during drill):-
Throw whilst running in one direction
Throw whilst running in circle
Throw whilst down low
Throw whilst changing directions
Combine "Agility" activity with Pace Zones & Zone Activities
Zone Activities:-
Divide the mate into 4 zones
Specify a different throw per zone
Throw for throw plenty of movement, minimal resistance (That is
make the person do a proper throw but don't go over for them if
they don't).
Pace Zones:-
Divide the mate into 4 zones (slow, medium, fast and flat out)
partners move around zones in randori and change pace according
to the zone.
Skill zones:-
Divide the mat into 4 or more zones (Ne wasa, Tachi wasa, Combined
Ne wasa &Tachi wasa, Combination Throws, Continuous Throws,
Strangles, Arm locks etc.)
Choose a set of 3 or 4 throws throw and work on them all session.
Particularly try to concentrate on the principals and why they
work for you.
Closing the Gap:-
Practice approaching a throw with a large amount of space between
Uke an Tori to simulate competition entry of throws such as O
Soto Gari.
Newasa entry:-
Practice Newasa entry from a failed throw such as Tai O toshi
into full newasa competition.
Tachi wasa to Ne wasa:
On command the outer circle throw the nearest person in the inner
circle to the ground with nominated throw and moves straight into
a hold down or Ne wasa Randori