Here it is! The complete Newport Judo
"How I am Managing Student Behavior In Class"
If you are new to teaching or an experienced instructor doing research, into class management techniques,
you will, without a doubt, find something of value in How I am Managing Student Behavior In Class.
I have been involved in leadership since I was 16 years old and have now accumulated over 40 years of experience.
I have been a youth leader, swim teacher and Judo instructor and I have run my own Judo club for almost 20 years.
I have instructed literally hundreds of students.
I started writing this document because I was constantly being asked for advice on how I manage to keep my students
attention. So decided to put some of my experience in writing.
This program uses all of that experience to filter out the useful from hopeless. You can therefore be sure that the
material provided is usable in your own context.
More than that, you want the right tools for the right Job. I remember being asked by a fellow swim instructor
what I do to get the students to listen to me. Because she said, she was getting very frustrated with her students
inability to listen to her and do what she said.
I replied by saying that they listen to me because if I can't get them to do what I need them to do, I assume that
it is my fault for not communicating correctly. I don't assume it is their fault for not listening.
If you want students to listen to you you have to get their attention first. Then you need to tell them or show them
(preferably both), what you want them to do, in terms that they understand. You must never assume what that you say is
understood. They have to be able to feed back to you and they can't do that unless you have their attention.
This document will go a long way to giving you the tools to get the much needed attention of your students.
You want good information that will give you good outcomes?
Let me share with you...
Click here to Download The Newport Judo resource of
"How I am Managing Student Behavior In Class"!
The Importance Of Confidence and Integrity
Tools for Managing Student Behavior
How Telling Stories Help In Class Management
How to use your Voice
Breathing and it's Place in Disipline
Respect For And Of Parents: There May Be More To It Than You Think
Making Sure The Student Is The Right Fit For The Class
The Power Of A Question
The Perils Of Giving Warnings
The Role Of Temperature In Behaviour
You will also learn about Games and their appropriate application:
Games As Reward
Games As Punishment
Games As An Attention Getting Tool
Games As Bribery
Click here to Download The Newport Judo resource of
"How I am Managing Student Behavior In Class"!
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